My First Month Blogging

In May 2024, I decided to do something I’d been thinking since I was 14 years old:

Starting an online blog.

It’s been 1 month so far and I’ve learned some things about this creative activity:

  1. It’s hard.
  2. It’s so satisfying

I gave myself a task:

At the end of each month, I’ll show everything about my blogging journey. Lessons I’ve learned. Methods I’ve used. Viewers statistics. Doubts. Everything.

This blog has been created to archive my knowledge, and I want to record everything. I want to show people (including myself) that writing online can become an essential part of your life. In an artistic way. In a monetary way.

I started blogging for many reasons:

  1. I want to commit to a long term project.
  2. I want to make an income writing online.
  3. I’ve been interested in blogging since I was 14 years old.
  4. I want to create something of my own.

On the side, I’m building an audience here and on other platforms like 𝕏

Now, here’s how my blog performed this first month:

Yes… with all honesty. This is hard.

Every veteran blogger will say the same thing: blogging takes time. More than you expect. Effort, time, and organization will be your allies for this journey.

So, the first thing I did was to create a writing routine.

When you want to commit to something, the hours won’t appear by magic. You have to make space for them. You have to steal them from comfort. I always write early in the morning, with the aim of writing 300 words per day, six days a week.

Sometimes more, sometimes less. That is my personal target. I don’t worry much about the exact number, it’s just that having a goal keeps me writing consistently.

Then, I learned one of the most important lessons writing a blog:

There’s no place for perfectionism here.

When it comes to writing online, it’s a skill like any other. Sometimes I write for 1 hour and my writing sucks. Sometimes I write just one really good sentence. It is the way it is. Perfectionism is the enemy of progress (and blogging).

You’ll never feel 100% ready to hit publish. You’ll never perceive your new article as “perfect”.

As a guiding principle, I try to write at least one good sentence every day. When I have that “ah-ah” moment, I’m so satisfied and it keeps me motivated.

Creating something is satisfying. With time, you really start loving this art: the art of creating and converting your thinking into the digital space.

When I opened the blog, I was also afraid of writer’s block.

“What do I do if words don’t come naturally?”

“What do I do when I don’t know how to fill that blank screen?”

I watched ton of writer’s podcasts to seek answers, and the solution was so simple:


Watch videos, read articles, books, and even other blogs. You’re not a bastard if you attain other bloggers’ ideas, as long as you reframe them in your own words and perspective.

Mostly, I write about topics I’m interested in. When I have the topics and outline ready, I take one or two days to research information. I watch and read everything I can and I store them in a Google Doc: quotes, ideas, statistics, everything.

This is how I prevent that scary writer’s block.

With so much information and ideas, it’s impossible to run out of words.

And the magic thing is that once you start writing, you give birth to new ideas! So here’s what my writing process (at its essential level) looks like:

The last thing I learned this month is that committing to a long journey is exciting.

I knew I wanted to start a project, but I didn’t know exactly what and how. I tried dropshipping. I tried creating a clothing brand. I tried reselling. Nothing worked for me. I didn’t find that spark.

The truth, you don’t need a passion and then start doing something related to that. Most of the time, a true passion is born after you’ve started.

I discovered a passion for online writing after I’ve experienced it. It gives me clarity of thoughts. It gives me a side project to build. It gives me purpose.

This is what I learned during my first month of blogging. I’m excited to show my online journey to you. I don’t know what point I’ll reach yet. I don’t know how much will it take. But I know that I’ll keep writing and sharing my ideas online.

See you soon.

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